The Rural FASD Support Network thanks the following businesses for their continuing support of our members.

Trillium Mutual

We would like to thank Trillium Mutual for supporting Mental Health First Aid training and enabling our members to access this training for free.

Ontario Trillium Foundation

Thanks to the Trillium Foundation for their generous support that helps us sustain and enhance our programs.

Town of Smiths Falls

Our heartfelt thanks goes out to the Town of Smiths Falls for their generous support of all our endeavours.


Lanark County

We would like to thank Lanark County for the very generous donation that has made the Red Shoes Run events possible.


Candian Tire Jumpstart

We are very grateful to Canadian Tire for providing a Jumpstart Grant to help us fund our Red Shoes Run Family Fun Day.


JMC Renovations

We would like to thank JMC Renovations for being our primary sponsor for the Red Shoes Run Johnstown 5K Race.

“A study by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health found that the overall burden and costs associated with FASD in Canada in 2013 was approximately $1.8 billion annually with justice costs being the highest.”

“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”